The new institutional critique and the contestation of the museum’s role in contemporary society

Federica Arcoraci

L’inizio del XXI secolo è stato un momento di straordinaria rinascita per l’attivismo artistico. È in questo periodo che numerosi collettivi come Occupy Museums, Liberate Tate, The Natural History Museums, Decolonize This Place, Not an Alternative, Mi Riconosci?, Sale Docks, Awi, Macao, Ex Asilo Filangeri e Ctrl-I, hanno tentato di evidenziare la complicità nel perpetuare, nascondere o trascurare pratiche ingiuste e oppressive all’interno delle istituzioni museali. A partire dalle esperienze della Critica Istituzionale e dei movimenti attivisti contemporanei, il presente lavoro traccia l’evoluzione storica dell’attivismo artistico e approfondisce l’impatto che il movimento degli attivisti sta avendo nel dibattito istituzionale su accessibilità e inclusione nei musei.

The beginning of the 21st century has been an extraordinary period for art activism. Activist museums, such as Occupy Museums, Liberate Tate, The Natural History Museum’s Decolonize This Place, Not an Alternative, Mi Riconosci?, Sale Docks, Awi, Macao, Ex Asilo Filangeri and Ctrl-I, have held art institutions accountable for the washing of art and the perpetuation of discriminatory practices and narratives. As a result, museums are now considered emblematic actors in the power network of global capitalism. The methodology developed aims to produce new ways of shaping knowledge and interpretation of art activism and to reflect on the essential questions raised by activist museums regarding sustainability and inclusion in museums. Starting with an analysis of the experiences of Institutional Critique and the practices adopted by activist museums, the article traces the historical evolution of art activism and explores the impact and role played by art activism in the rethinking of museums within the institutional debate.

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